Femur Lengthening with Precice Internal Lengthening Nail

2022-05-19 07:19:27 By : Mr. Dee Lian

This is a case illustrating a 4.5 cm femur lengthening for congenital LLD. The Precice internal lengthening nail was used and the recovery was fast with normal unassisted walking at 4 months.

The patient is a 25 year old male with congenital LLD of 4.5 cm and without deformity. No previous treatment was rendered. The patient and the family were not interested in limb lengthening using external fixation at earlier points in his life.

Burghardt RD1, Paley D, Specht SC, Herzenberg JE: The effect on mechanical axis deviation of femoral lengthening with an intramedullary telescopic nail. J Bone Joint Surg Br. 2012 Sep;94(9):1241-5. doi: 10.1302/0301-620X.94B9.28672

Kirane Y, Fragomen AT, Rozbruch SR: Precision of the Precice Internal Lengthening Nail, Clin Orthop Rel Res. 2014. Epub Digital Object Identifier (DOI) 10.1007/s11999-014-3575-0.

Rozbruch SR, Birch JG, Dahl MT, Herzenberg JE: Motorized Intramedullary Nail for Treatment of Limb Length Discrepancy.  J Am Acad Orthop Surgeons, 2014 July